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hiya guys.

ive decied that i want to become a chef. i need to learn some new skills though, and i cant afford to go to cooking school cos its like a hundred grand for the good ones which is just insane. i also dont want to just get a job in a kitchen as most kitchens are very male horrible spaces and im kinda interested in developing a cooking approach outside of this.

i am therefore using a combination of blogs, youtube tutorials and cooking every recipe from a book ive already got (leiths cookery bible) because its written by a cooking school thats really really good and therefore is definitely legit. at a cost of from £7.96 for a used copy on amazon i think we can agree its a much more affordable option.

if you cant afford that, im also gonna be posting the pages from the book on here as well as my progress and any youtube tutorials that ive found helpful, so this will kind of become a compendium and an online cooking school in its own right. ill even send u certificates if you complete any of the classes.